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The best place to hide something is in the past...

The coins were trouble from the beginning, but twenty million dollars in West Michigan gold is a prize difficult for maritime salvager Jack Sheridan to ignore. He begins assembling pieces of a puzzle scattered 150 years ago, and embarks on a white-knuckle venture that takes him across the expanse of the Great Lakes, down desolate streets of a lost city, and into the depths of his own storied past. Each step draws him deeper into conflict with others intent on seizing the gold for their own hidden purpose. What Jack finds in the end is more than he bargained for, and the adversary he must confront will force him to question everything he knows.

Product Details

  • Trade Paperback: 320 pages
  • Publisher: Ironcroft Publishing (April 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0-9771688-1-6
  • LCCN: 2008941756
  • Shipping Information: TBD
  • In-Print Editions: Paperback

A Closer Look (learn more at the authors web site)

Opening lines:

Harlan Coates listened to wind thrash against the rubble stone tower from his bed in the lighthouse guestroom. A ceiling truss creaked under the weight of snow, and he wondered if it would give way. That would be a rude welcome to this wilderness territory. He’d come to a village named Singapore at the bend in the Kalamazoo River to find work. Back home jobs had become scarce, and a wife and two small boys were depending on him. A Singapore saw mill supposedly needed help, and Coates had made the trek from Detroit to investigate the claim. He did not appreciate winter’s eager march across Lake Michigan to greet him.

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